Friday, 3 November 2023

Benchmarks Project.

 A benchmark in geographical or landscape terms is a fixed point of reference in the landscape. At Pishiobury we have at least 19 wooden seating benches many of which are oak and represent fixed points in the landscape of the Park. The Benchmarks Project suggest to people that instead of rushing hither and thither then take 10 minutes to sit on a bench of their choice and concentrate on the sights, sounds and smells of the area in front of them. Appreciate the natural landscape and any wildlife that can be spotted. 

                        Here are some panoramic views with suggestions of what might be observed.

This is the view from the Holloway Bench. There are hedges and field edges on both sides, naturalising grassland in the foreground, and old hedge in the distance and the floodplain of Plovers Mead.

Here is a panoramic view of Plovers Mead at a 180° angle. On the left a large Weeping Willow on the right, Black Poplar, in the middle distance a young oak, in the far distance the old field hedge of Springhall Meadow, in the near distance the wet floodplain.

A panoramic view from the Osier Bed bench. On the right Alder trees and wet woodland, on the left large hybrid Poplars and in the middle distance a bend of the Old River Stort, floodplain in the far distance. 

A panoramic view of the gravel pit. On the left, Nursery Wood, in the distance on the left the Osier Bed with tall Poplars, on the right in the distance the Vale with a 'roundel' and cluster of conifers.

A panoramic view from Margaret's bench looking south. A veteran oak on the right, Oak Walk on the left, the ditch running along the bottom of this dry valley and Harlow New Town continuing development in the far distance.

A panoramic view from the Maple Bench accentuating the rise and fall of the land. Bramble and Horse Chestnut on the right and a strongly growing young Cedar of Lebanon on the left. Tracks made by cattle and people in the foreground.

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