Along Oak Walk, find a Lime tree, and Ash tree and a Horse Chestnut tree. Identify them from their bark and buds.
Lime bark and bud.Ash bark and bud.
Horse Chestnut bark and bud.
Along Oak Walk, find a Lime tree, and Ash tree and a Horse Chestnut tree. Identify them from their bark and buds.
Lime bark and bud.The old Field hedge around Spring Hall Field is largely derelict. There are lots of gaps and places where failed hedge shrub plantings have taken place some years ago. There are some older Hawthorns and old Hazels. It is possible that the Hazels go back to the time of Thomas Rivers when they were planted to provide sticks and poles for use on the Nursery. The plan is to carry out a biodiversity study of the hedge, coppice the Hazels and plant up the gaps with young shrubs next year. A short film on You Tube shows wasps and bees feeding on the Ivy over growing some of the Hawthorns. The first work party was on 16th of December where we have started coppicing the Hazels and clearing away some of the dead wood to make eco-piles. for wasps and bees feeding on the Ivy.
Old Hazel with barbed wire inter- grown.